"We the people are the rightful masters of both Congress and the courts, not to overthrow the Constitution but to overthrow the men who pervert the Constitution." -Abraham Lincoln

Thursday, August 1, 2013

History Can Mold a Patriot

          There are two functions of Patriotism as a label that is apparent in our society today.  One is a title that people use to label heroes or public servants who do something honorable for the benefit of others. Another is using the word Patriot as a tool in names, songs, or titles of things in order to gain public trust and support.   All of these uses of the word Patriotism seem noble and good. However, I feel that the most important use of the word is teaching people what it means to be Patriotic. This is accomplished by instructing them on the history of America and the Patriotic individuals and Patriotic acts that formed the nation we have today. The history of America is not being emphasized and taught to the current young adult generation or the adolescent generation and those is why we must change this particular area of education and make it a priority. 
The term Patriot is not just a title but a term that can be used as an adjective or description word. The term Patriot can make any title seem very American, something to connect to and good for the public. For example, after September 11, 2001 the government used the term in a title of an Act they wanted to pass quickly. They called it the patriot ACT. The Act itself allowed government officials a way to bypass basic rights and gave officials more authority to use even more measures to fight terror. The use of the term Patriot in the title was strategically placed there in order to gain support and trust from American people and the congressmen who were in charge of passing the Act. It was a very persuasive term that hid a lot of grey areas, but it worked and it was quickly passed and put to action. The word brought no honor and it didn’t describe a good deed that someone was doing. The word was a tool used to accomplish a goal despite outcome of that goal. The use of the word in that way doesn’t do the meaning of Patriotism justice.
As a title, the word Patriot can make someone seem almost majestic in their nobility and gives them an instantaneous amount of trust with all those that recognize them as a patriot. George Washington is referred to as one of the most influential Patriots in history because of his influence on the founding of the United States of America. In our modern day we call the New York Firemen that sacrificed their lives on September 11, 2011 in order to help others during that awful time of crisis. The title is given to those that make a sacrifice for the greater good. Therefore it also describes the actions of a person.
As an action word, Patriotism describes he noble and selfless service acts that men perform. These acts are viewed as Patriotic. A modern day Patriot of sorts is Paul Ryan. He is the United States Representative for Wisconsin's 1st congressional district and current chairman of the House Budget Committee. Paul Ryan is a Patriot because he stands up for the values of general public at the expense of his reputation and public standing. Last September Paul gave a speech at Hillsdale College in commemoration of Constitution Day. It was there he said
We can strengthen our defense of liberty if we remember to keep in mind those who are struggling to make ends meet. What makes our Constitution such an extraordinary document is that, in making the United States the freest civilization in history, the Founders guaranteed that it would become the most prosperous as well. The American system of limited government, low taxes, sound money, and the rule of law has done more to help the poor than any other economic system ever designed. (Ryan)
Making an effort to educate and encourage the public to defend the fundamental and basic rights is a huge feat and a great public service. This is being proactive and taking action as a patriot. However, I wonder if we are still educated enough to recognize patriotism in its purest form? Are we even able to define it or recognize individuals who were and are being patriotic?
          It is as though the word has unclear definitions or grey areas in which it can be used.  Back in the time of our countries birth the late 1700 it was a clear and definitive word used to describe those that fought for their basic rights against an oppressive government. For example, Thomas Jefferson dedicated much of his life in pursuit of a greater political government that could be ruled by the common people. He was commissioned to author the first draft of the Declaration of Independence in 1776. Over the next 17 days, Jefferson drafted one of the most beautiful and powerful testaments to liberty and equality in world history. (Jefferson) However, in order to know and understand who Jefferson is and appreciate what he did you would need to understand and know the basics of The United States’ history! And that history is not being taught nor remembered.
          I once taught a class of 18 children from military families. When it was time to have an activity together I tried to get them to sing Patriotic songs with me. I tried several songs and all the children just stood in front of me staring blankly. I couldn’t believe what I was witnessing. None of them know a patriotic song! None of them even knew who George Washington was! There have been studies done that result in the same astonishing truth that I saw in that classroom. According to a recent article posted on college stats.com there are plenty of uneducated Americans. According to their post it stated
If kids can’t identify why Lincoln was important, you’d at least think they can understand why our very first president was an important leader. Nope. In the 2010 National Assessment of Educational Progress, only 23% of fourth graders were able to point out his status as the first U.S. President, Commander-in-Chief of the Continental Army, participation in the Constitutional Convention, or his role in the French and Indian War. Twenty-four percent entered inappropriate responses, 45% got partial credit, and 7% didn’t even try to answer at all. (College Stats)
 I know their lack of knowledge doesn’t reflect all the people in our nation. However, it was an experience that helped me realize how important it is that we teach children and each other at any age history! The United Sates history is the story of our nation, and even the songs that tell that story and help you understand the events that took place It’s not just children that do not understand our roots as a country, it is adults that do not know the basic story of how the American Continent was settled and formed into the United States. Recently, Newsweek administered the official US citizenship test to 1,000 Americans, the results showed that
33 percent of respondents didn’t know when the Declaration of Independence was adopted, 65 percent couldn’t say what happened at the Constitutional Convention, and 80 percent had no idea who was president during World War I. In a survey of 14,000 college students in 2006, more than half couldn’t identify the century when the first American colony was founded at Jamestown, the reason NATO was organized, or which document says, “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal.’(Romano)
 These results confirm the truth: Americans don’t know their own history! These findings are embarrassing! It is astonishing that average people don’t know nor care about the fundamental facts of the country in which they live. It is like a citizen of London, England not knowing anything about the British Empire that used to cover the world.  In our day the true understanding of our nations’ patriots has been forgotten. And with time, the true meaning of the word Patriotism has been changed.
           Understanding and knowing the history of our nation, is an act of Patriotism alone. If one truly cares about a countries future, one must understand its roots.  Otherwise we are doomed to just keep making the same mistakes. Aristotle said “If you would understand anything, observe its beginning and its development.” History teaches you the good changes and the bad mistakes so that you can move forward and continue to progress and strengthen what you have already built. Our forefathers laid the concrete foundation for us. It is now up to us to understand that historical foundation and continue to build upon them as we act as patriots, making a brighter and more hopeful future!

Works Cited 

College Stats 2011. U.S. Department of Education July 3, 2013

Jacoby, Jeff.  Globe Columnist / June 19, 2011. Don’t know much about history

Romano, Andrew. Newsweek Magazine. Mar 20, 2011 How Dumb Are We?

Ryan, Paul. National Review Online.September 11, 2011On the Rule of Law

 "Thomas Jefferson." 2013. The Biography Channel website. July 31, 2013 http://www.biography.com/people/thomas-jefferson-9353715.

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

George Washington's Legacy

 George Washington's Legacy

One of the greatest and most honorable patriots of all is President George Washington. I define a patriot as a defender of the constitutional rights of all people! I feel that people who haven’t studied or even heard of Washington do not realize what an influential individual he was. He was molded throughout his life experiences to be a patriotic and honorable leader. His experiences in his childhood, life as a soldier, and eventually Military and political leader molded him into the man he was and the legacy he left behind. Considering his roots, it is remarkable that such a man achieved so much and influenced so many.
Washington was born and raised in Virginia to a colonial farming family. His father, Augustine Washington died when George was eleven years old. He learned quickly to be responsible and help provide for his widowed mother. The only formal education Washington experienced was elementary school. He excelled in mathematics and his sharpness and mathematic skill led him to his first employment. At the age of sixteen he took a position as a surveyor for Lord Fairfax. Working for a gentleman, who was the head of a very powerful family in the Virginia colony at that time gave Washington not only experience and connection, but his work allowed him to travel into the American wilderness for weeks at a time. (Miller 2013) His vast knowledge of the American land, roads, and countryside proved a great benefit to him as a soldier and Commander.
George Washington served and fought alongside other colonials in his early twenties. He was a leader and Virginia's Lieutenant Governor, Robert Dinwiddie, noticed his natural skill and leadership qualities. He appointed Washington as a Major in the Virginia militia.
On October 31, 1753, Dinwiddie sent Washington to Fort LeBoeuf, at what is now Waterford, Pennsylvania, to warn the French to remove themselves from land claimed by Britain. The French politely refused and Washington made a hasty ride back to Williamsburg, Virginia's colonial capitol. Dinwiddie sent Washington back with troops and they set up a post at Great Meadows. Washington's small force attacked a French post at Fort Duquesne killing the Commander, Coulon de Jumonville, and nine others and taking the rest prisoners. The French and Indian War had begun. (Biography)
Not only the war had begun, but Washington’s military career has taken off. His adventures and encounters would lead him from one war to the next in the coming years and would shape him into the man that would lead the colonials to their freedom from British rule.
Many believe that on more than one occasion his live was preserved by the grace of God’s protection in order to continue leading. He was greatly revered and known for his ability to withstand being harmed in battle. One of the most famous stories of Washington depicts this very invincibility. After becoming a colonel Washington joined British General Edward Braddock's army in Virginia. On July 9,1755 the British had commenced on a “well devised a plan for a three-prong assault on French forces attacking Fort Duquesne, Fort Niagara and Crown Point. During the encounter, the French and their Indian allies ambushed Braddock, who was mortally wounded.” (Biography) Their losses were great, but those that survived moved forward. After it was all over, 977 out of 1,459 of his men were killed or badly wounded, including 63 out of 86 British and American officers. (Schlafly) With those terrible odds there was a miracle that took place that day. It was written that “Washington escaped injury with four bullet holes in his cloak and two horses shot out from under him.”(Biography) It is plausible to think that a man six feet, two inches tall would be a grand site and an easy target, but no! He was untouched. He even wrote a letter to his brother and expressed his feelings on this miraculous occurrence. "By the all-powerful dispensations of Providence, I have been protected beyond all human probability or expectation; for I had four bullets through my coat, and two horses shot under me, yet I escaped unhurt, although death was leveling my companions on every side of me." (Schlafly) The odds were against him, and yet he persevered and survived the brutal conflicts and continued to lead and to fight. This knowledge of his capabilities and incredible stamina of survival helped people to believe in him and respect him. He could not lead if no one would fallow. This image of survival and perseverance also helped shape the image of Washington as a symbol of leadership and freedom.
His leadership was not just on battle fields it was in political positions as well. Washington went on to be elected to the House of Burgesses, was a delegate to the First and Second Continental Congresses, and was appointment as commander-in-chief of the Continental Army. He was a civil servant nearly his entire life. An example of how humble and service oriented he was as a leader is found in his own words in response to his appointment as commander-in-chief.
Washington wrote back to Congress on July 16, 1775: As to pay, sir, I beg to assure the Congress that, as no pecuniary consideration could have tempted me to accept this arduous employment, at the expense of my domestic ease and happiness, I do not wish to make any profit from it. I will keep an exact account of my expenses. These, I doubt not, they will discharge; and that is all I desire.” (US history)
This statement speaks volumes about his character and his willingness to serve his fellow countrymen for this great cause. It is not common to know individuals that will work and not profit from it.
Washington won the hearts of men, not by his war stories and awe inspiring adventures, but in a different way. He won their hearts by his pristine example of having good morals and fine character. These qualities are seen in his actions. Washington commanded an army of local colonial volunteers, not professional soldiers. These men were basically Farmers and mountain men. Together, they fought against what was then the mightiest force in the world: the British Empire! At the risk of his own life and temporal means he sacrificed a great deal as he felt he needed to fight and pursue this war against the crown in order to achieve a better life for his family and fellow colonists. He did so not from the comfort of his estate dictating commands through a military walkie- talkie, but together with his men sharing quarters in the frozen fields of Valley Forge. That fact alone is a great example of one that leads through personal actions and example. He fought with his men until they ended the war!
The Revolution lasted seven years and considering the odds and what the colonials sacrificed at that time, their victory was bleak the entire time and yet they fought to the end under the leadership of General Washington. They went up against the world super-power at that time. The British Empire had the strongest military of any nation and yet these colonials, basic farmers fought and made the British Army fall to their knees and surrender. How? Ronald Reagan said “The greatest leader is not necessarily the one who does the greatest things. He is the one that gets the people to do the greatest things.” In the case of the colonials, George Washington did both. He did great things and he inspired his men to do the greatest thing that would change the history of the colonies. He inspired them to persevere and he led them by example in doing just that. All of these events described molded Washington into a one of the greatest military and political leaders of all time! His wise choices and his great service to the colonists at that time shaped his legacy of not just a respectable military leader, but also a leader of character and morale for all that knew him.
His image and name was known and influenced many beyond the battlefield and years of harsh war. His legacy of service portrays a man of great character; a gentleman that his fellow leaders wanted to continue fallowing.. He was well known and respected for the person he was and after the war he was nominated as the President of the United States Constitutional convention which influenced the writing of the U.S. Constitution. He became the 1stpresident of our country and was a great influence in its’ foundational principals. Phyllis Schlafly, an attorney and author, wrote a great deal about George Washington. In one of her reports she wrote
It's not just that he was uniquely unanimously elected to two terms as our first President. It's not just that he made our young republic a reality when he declined a third term as President and transferred the reins of power to our second President. Washington's greatness was based on his leadership and character, so acknowledged by the many other great men of his time. Washington is the hero we need today because he is an extraordinary example of a President whose character was above reproach and whom adulation did not corrupt. In Daniel Webster's words: ‘America has furnished to the world the character of Washington, and if our American institutions had done nothing else, that alone would have entitled them to the respect of mankind.’(Schlafly)
 Her report portrays Washington in a very respectful way and helps her readers understand that his actions speak volumes of his personal character. And his influence is evident in the way he helped form our country. One of the greatest examples of his attempt to advise and help others in in Washington’s farewell Address, During which time he addressed the nation and advised that “honesty is always the best policy.” That advice is so powerful coming from a man that could’ve easily cut corners and said anything in his position of power and influence. His actions showed self-respect and discipline. He led his men by his example, boosted their spirits on many occasions and led them to victory on and off the field.
A man that was led by his example and respected Washington was Henry "Light Horse Harry" Lee Virginia's governor and a former general. He said “George Washington first in war, first in peace, and first in the hearts of his countrymen.” After leading his men to a miraculous victory, Washington retired to Mt. Vernon. This action was very surprising. It could have been easy to reward himself with land or title or even declare himself a ruler over the people as a result of his great victories over the British, which was a great power and world empire at that time.
Several years later, his peers elected him Chairman of the Constitutional Convention, the most illustrious gathering in America's 200 year history. Washington presided over three months of torpid heat and even hotter debate to secure a document that elevated the rule of law over selfish ambition and laid the foundations for the world's most enduring democracy. And, finally, he was chosen as the first elected leader of that nation, a post from which he voluntarily stepped down to once again become a private citizen.
(Gleb B.)
This is a great example of leading at an appropriate time and then allowing others to participate as well. Based on his reputation he could have continued for another term, however, this act shows humility and an example of how the position of the President should be used. The position of presiding authority over the new nation was designed to be conducted with respect and restrain; in order to not allow the position to overpower the people who are to govern.
All of these examples depict who Washington was as a man, a military and political leader, and a patriot. He was a man of true moral, leadership, and integrity. His patriotism, intelligence, and wise majestic presence was incredible as he led those brave men to free our nation and introduce its great strength to the world!

Works Cited
American President: George Washington 2013 Miller Center University of Virginia Charlottesville, VA http://millercenter.org/president/washington/essays/biography/1
"George Washington." 2013.The Biography Channel website. Jul 09 2013, 06:00 http://www.biography.com/people/george-washington-9524786.
“George Washington” Eulogy in Congress, December 26, 1799.
Online Highways. Florence, OR Jul 09 2013
Gleb B. “George Washinton” 2009. My Hero Project Jul 09 2013
Lee III, Henry 2013. The foundation for a Better Life. Jul 09 2013 http://www.values.com/inspirational-quotes/6040-First-In-War-First-In-Peac-
Schlafly, Phyllis. The Premier American Hero — George Washington 2002. The Phyllis Schlafly Report May 2002 http://www.eagleforum.org/psr/2002/may02/psrmay02.shtml

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Government vs. Patriot

     On the morning of September 11, 2001 the City of New York arose as usual with the bustle and fast pace of the day. At 8:46am a plane crashed into the north tower of the World Trade Center. Michael Walters, A freelance photojournalist walking nearby stated “All of a sudden there were people screaming. I saw people jumping out of the building. Their arms were flailing. I stopped taking pictures and started crying.”
     Three thousand miles from this event being witnessed by Mr. Walters I woke up and began gathering my stuff for school. I walked through the hallway of my home grabbed my backpack and started for the back door. I heard a commotion of the television screen my Dad was watching and turned back to look. My Dad often watched the news and my first thought as I gazed at the screen was that a storm was happening somewhere in the world. As I stared at the strange sight on the screen I asked “What is that?” “That is the world trade center being blown up” He answered solemnly. “I don’t understand” I replied, but my Dad said nothing, his eyes fixated on the screen. I turned and went out the door to catch the bus, puzzled and unaware of what I had just seen. I kept wondering to myself “What is the World Trade Center? Where is that located?” I had no idea.
     There was an eerie feeling surrounding the school that day. It was hard to understand but I felt a knot in my stomach the entire day. Something very wrong was happening today but I didn’t understand what or how it affected me except that it was making me feel horribly depressed. I entered my history class and my teacher like everyone else that day was solemn. She turned on the TV and we watched in silence. I still didn’t get it. What was happening? I thought to myself. Why was everyone acting like this was the end? If this really was the end of the world as we knew it I knew I felt sad but couldn’t cry. I was too shocked at the footage I was watching. I asked myself “If this is the end, why are we sitting here watching a TV, and not going anywhere or doing a thing? Did the United States Government even know that people over there are dying?"
     I soon was called by my teacher to come up to his desk. He told me that my mother was at the office and I was leaving. I immediately obeyed and went to the office and was greeted by my sister first who was beside herself with sheer terror and she hugged me sobbing. My mother then came over to us and she walked us to the car and took us home. When my sister was able to speak I asked her all my puzzling questions and she retorted to me that “The World Trade Center in New York was attacked by hijacked planes!” in a matter of fact tone. I was too mesmerized by her facts than to be annoyed at her smart answer. Why were airplanes attacking the buildings in New York? It seemed all too fantastic to be real. “Will they attack us here?” I asked. She didn’t know. Now I knew why there was that frightened and solemn feeling around all day. The unknown is the scariest when. Everything around you seems chaotic, uncertain, and the answers are dismal. I could see on the news feeds that many fire fighters and police men were out helping everyone they could, but I couldn’t understand how the CIA nor FBI wasn’t able to detect such an attack happening. I had always viewed them as supreme and able to detect just about anything. This experience in my life didn’t bring me any confidence in those government agencies.  In fact, it did the opposite. The experience and the years that followed brought more questions and uneasiness as the event was discussed, but no answers were really absolute. All the news reports that followed the event made it seem that no agency had a clue at the planned attack. For me, their uncertainty didn’t seem to bother anyone. Most coverage seemed more interested in the response of President Bush and then all the focus was on the upcoming war that would soon commence. All the efforts people were making to retaliate to the enemy was being called Patriotic actions.
     It has taken me years to understand what I know today about the events of that horrific morning of September 11th, 2001. I still do not know everything. I do not think anyone without classified security clearance knows, and even then I am uncertain. The fact that is clear about that morning is that America was forever changed and affected by that day. One of the greatest and most profound adjustments that have come as a result of that day was our collective definitions and understanding of our fundamental beliefs and values. The one I want to focus on if our collective definition of Patriotism.
     The Oxford dictionary defined Patriotism as “the quality of being patriotic; vigorous support for one’s country. For me, the grey area of the definition lies within its’ definition when it says vigorous support. What does support entail? How are your actions defined as supportive? For me, the citizen who Pledges his/her support to the constitutional rights of the people of America and does everything in their power to protect and stand up for those liberties is a Patriot
     During the birth of America the colonists never used the word "patriot" to describe anybody who was a “loyalist”. At that time a "loyalist" meant somebody who was "loyal" to the government in London and to King George III. Traditionally, in our history books the men who signed the Declaration of Independence betrayed the governing force at that time and were considered traitors. Gary Clark, who is a writer, gave a profound description of the events that led to the founding of the constitution.
         They conspired, both in secret and later openly, to overthrow and revolt against their          government with the aim of throwing it out and establishing a new and different governmental system. In doing this, they were branded as traitors and seditionists by their government... but they did it anyway, despite the risk. Eventually, after their government had fired the first shots, they took up arms against their government and began killing its policing agents, who were the armed force enforcing the oppressive dictates of their government.” (Clark)
This description is a powerful summary of the greatest patriotic acts of their time. Their actions were traitorous against a wrongful governing force and their actions brought peace and prosperity for many people. For me, this is an example that can be used to compare and measure one’s actions in order to know if they are Patriotic.
     These brave, determined, and courageous men risked their own selves for this cause. They put their reputations, their families, properties, even their lives at risk as they fought the great oppressive government of that time. That is what makes them true American Patriots! Their sacrifice is amazing! Gary Clark’s description of the historical events that led to the independence of the United States helps me to understand that at that time those men felt it necessary and acceptable to take a stand and defend their rights against the existing power of government at that time. I wonder if men like that exist now.
     Today, there is a man who has taken his own measures to inform the public of the governments’ questionable acts against the liberty of the common man. Edward Snowden recently embarrassed US President Barack Obama with his revelations of massive surveillance programs they use. On a Fox News report it indicated that Snowden left his position in Hawaii and on May 20 went to Hong Kong to begin issuing a series of leaks on the NSA gathering of phone call logs and Internet data. The report continued “The White House dubbed Snowden a traitor to his country and warned both Russia and China that their relations with the US might be damaged by their refusal to extradite him. ‘We expect (the Russians) to look at the options available to them to expel Mr. Snowden back to the United States,’ White House spokesman Jay Carney said.”(Williams and Smolchenko). Are we now in the business of punishing a man for informing the nation of the questionable acts of its government? If this information helps us know what to do about our current government if it is doing things that violate our liberties; then according to our own US history, Edward could be a Patriot. He is not guilty of blowing up a tower in New York full of innocent people. However, I think he could be considered a patriot of our time for opposing powers that violate the right and freedoms of the common people.
      I bring this to light to pose the question: Do we as a people need to question and examine our current power of government? In order to ensure that our liberties and rights are not being violated or taken from under our noses I believe we should always question and remain informed of our governments practices. After all, the United States government was formed by the people for the people, not to be governed by anyone but the people themselves. I fear that in our day and time that it will be necessary to be like our forefathers in 1775. I feel it vital to the salvation of our fundamental principles that we be ready to be labeled traitors if necessary in order to protect our freedom. Such labels help governments to thwart opposing powers. I wonder if that is the case with Edward Snowden. Is he a traitor or a patriot? Do you feel that questioning the government’s actions is traitorous or patriotic? Abraham Lincoln once said “We the people are the rightful masters of both Congress and the courts, not to overthrow the Constitution but to overthrow the men who pervert the Constitution.” After the events of September 11th, and the lack of information that fallowed, and now the labeling of Edward Snowden as a traitor for informing us of the government’s practices that are questionable makes me feel skeptical and suspicious of out government.
     These events lead me to ask, what exactly do we need to defend and protect; our current government or ourselves and our way of life? The U.S. Government was designed to be a patriot organization for the people. However, if it is failing to do so, and its structure is not serving its purpose and standing for the public good then we must be the patriots to defend our liberties. Therefore, I define Patriotism as the actions of a patriot; who is a defender, a defender of the constitutional rights of the people!

Works Cited
BrainyQuote. Xplore, n.d. Web. 26 June 2013.< http://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/authors/g/george_washington_2.html>.
"Mystery as Fugitive Snowden Vanishes in Moscow." Fox News. FOX News Network, n.d. Web. 26 June 2013.< http://www.foxnews.com/world/2013/06/24/mystery-as-fugitive-snowden-vanishes-in-moscow/>.
"Patriotism." : Definition of in Oxford Dictionary (British & World English). N.p., n.d. Web. 26 June 2013.< http://oxforddictionaries.com/definition/english/patriotism>.
"Veterans United Network." Veterans United Network. N.p., n.d. Web. 26 June 2013.< http://www.veteransunited.com/network/10-most-powerful-quotes-about-911/>.
"What Is an AMERICAN Patriot?" What Is an AMERICAN Patriot? N.p., n.d. Web. 26 June 2013. <http://www.liberator.net/articles/ClarkGary/AmericanPatriot.html>.